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What documentation do I need to provide when applying for a rental property?

What documentation do I need to provide when applying for a rental property?

What documentation do I need to provide when applying for a rental property?

When you apply for a rental property, it’s important to present complete and accurate documentation so we can process your application quickly. Here are the most common items you’ll need:

  1. Proof of Identification
    • Valid passport, driver’s license, or national ID card
    • Confirms your identity and helps comply with legal requirements
  2. Proof of Income
    • Recent payslips, bank statements, or an employment contract
    • Demonstrates that you have a reliable source of funds to cover the rent
  3. Previous Landlord or Letting Agent References
    • Letters or contact details from your former landlord(s) or property manager(s)
    • Shows your rental history, punctuality in rent payments, and how well you maintained the property

Providing these documents promptly not only streamlines the application process but also signals to landlords that you’re a responsible tenant. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting these application criteria, feel free to contact our letting team for personalized assistance.

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